Setting up PostgreSQL Multi-master Replication


What is Replication?

Replication is the copying of data from one database server to another. The source server is generally called the primary server or master server. The receiving database server is also called the replica or slave.

Replication is usually done to improve performance, creating backup, scalability, and reduce the load on the primary server. The changes made to the master carry forward to the slave servers. These changes can be replicated both simultaneously and in batches. If it happens at the same time in both the servers, it is called synchronous replication. If it happens in batches, it is called asynchronous.

Replication lets you perform analyses without affecting the operations of the master. You can use replication to scale out especially when you have a low number of writes and a high number of reads.

Single Master Replication

In a single master multiple slave scenario, only one server (the master) is allowed to make changes to the data. The other servers do not accept write queries from anywhere except the master.

What is Multi-master Replication?

Consider a situation where there are several connected database servers that can update the data. In this case, the changes made by one member of the group ripple into all the other members. This can be done by a multi-master replication system. So the multi-master replication adds an element of bi-directionality to the process.

Multi-master replication lets multiple nodes accept write queries and all of the nodes involved contain the same data. The main purpose of multi-master replication, of course, is high availability. When the primary server fails, it is not necessary to wait for a physical standby to be promoted.

It is recommended that PostgreSQL users not complicate the design by going for multi-master replication where single-master replication is enough. This is because multi-master replication makes the system complicated and messy. For example, if your application has incremental fields and the two nodes do not integrate this factor, it could lead to conflicts.

PostgreSQL Multi-Master Replication

PostgreSQL Multi-Master Replication Solution
Image Source: Percona

While there is single-master replication built into PostgreSQL, multi-master replication is not. There are some PostgreSQL forks managed by small companies and communities.

There is one popular product commercially available at the moment that supports multi-master replication in PostgreSQL. It is called Bidirectional replication created by 2ndQuadrant. The earlier versions of BDR were open-source, but not the latest ones. 

Note that in the trade-off between transaction speed and preventing data conflict, BDR prefers low latency allowing some conflicts to arise, if unavoidable, and resolve them later.

Hevo Data, A No-Code Data Pipeline for PostgreSQL

PostgreSQL multi-master replication : Hevo Data

Hevo Data is a fully managed No-code Data Pipeline, which supports integrations with over a hundred different sources. You can move your data from PostgreSQL to any destination with ease. Check out how Hevo might be perfect for your needs. Here are just a few of Hevo’s many awesome features:

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Steps to Set-up PostgreSQL Multi-master Replication Using BDR

Part 1: Initial Configurations

In this step after installation of BDR along with the pglogical plugin (which acts as a logical replication solution) you modify the postgresql.conf and pg_hba.conf files and then restart the service.

Step1: Install BDR and pglogical plugin.

Step 2: Configure postgresql.conf to these values.

wal_level = logical
shared_preload_libraries= ‘pg_logical, bdr’
track_commit_timestamp= ‘on’  # This is necessary for conflict resolution.

Step 3: Create a user with superuser privileges to manage BDR connectivity.


Step 4: Change pg_hba.conf file by adding these lines.

host   all         bdr   md5
host   replication bdr   md5

Step 5: Add the user to .pgpass file.

hostname:port:database:my_user: my_password

Step 6: Restart Postgresql.

Part 2: Create a Single BDR Node

Activate BDR on my_db on the host my_host1 as my_user.

Step 1: Create the extension.

CREATE EXTENSION bdr CASCADE; # CASCADE also creates the pglogical extension.

Step 2: Initialize the current node using the bdr.create_node function.

SELECT bdr.create_node( node_name:= ‘initail_node’, local_dsn:= ‘dbname=my_db host= my_host1 user=my_user’);

Step 3: Create BDR cluster definition using the bdr.create_node_group function.

SELECT bdr.create_node_group(node_group_name:='the_node_group');

Step 4: Use the bdr.wait_for_join_completion function to wait for it all to complete.

SELECT bdr.wait_for_join_completion();

Part 3: Create Another BDR Node

Step 1: Create the BDR extension.


Step 2: Initialize the current node using the bdr.create_node function.

SELECT bdr.create_node( node_name:= ‘next_node’, local_dsn:= ‘dbname=my_db host= my_host2 user=my_user’);

Step 3: Create the BDR cluster definition using the bdr.join_node_group function.

SELECT bdr.join_node_group(join_target_dsn:= ‘dbname=my_db host= my_host1 user=my_user’, wait_for_completion:=True); 

Part 4: Configure HAProxy

HAProxy is an open-source proxy software that provides high availability. It automatically directs traffic to any online node. You need to first install HAProxy for this.

Step 1: Modify the global section of the haproxy.cfg file.

    state socket /var/run/haproxy/sock level admin # This allows us to get information and send commands to HAProxy.

Step 2: Modify the bk_db section of the haproxy.cfg file.

stick-table type ip size 1
stick on dst
server bdr_initial_node my_host1: 5432 check
server bdr_next_node my_host2: 5432 backup check

Step 3: Reload the configuration file by triggering HAProxy.

sudo systemctl reload haproxy

Part 5: Combine PgBouncer with HAProxy

PgBouncer is a connection pooler for PostgreSQL. With the help of PgBouncer, PostgreSQL can interact with a much larger number of clients. It is essential here for transaction management. While HAProxy redirects traffic, PgBouncer allows transactions to complete. PgBouncer needs to be installed for the below steps.

Step 1: Modify the haproxy.cfg file at the ft_postgresql section.

frontend ft_postgresql
    bind *: 5433
    default_backend bk_db

Step 2: Alter the databases section in the pgbouncer.ini file to contain the below line.

* = host= proxy_server port= 5433

Modify the pgbouncer section.

listen_port = 5432

Step 3: Restart HAProxy and then PgBouncer.

Part 6: Node Switchover

We are moving the connections away from the initial node. First we disable bdr_initial_node using HAProxy, so that new connections are not sent to it. We pass the RECONNECT command to pgbouncer to ensure reconnection after the current transaction. Now HAProxy will cause the reconnection will be to the second server. Then after making changes, the initial server is enabled again.

Step 1: Disable initial_node within HAProxy.

echo “disable server bk_db/bdr_initial_node” |  socat /var/run/haproxy/sock –

Step 2: After transactions are complete, PgBouncer should reconnect and wait till the connections are re-established.

psql –h proxy_server –U pgbouncer pgbouncer –c “RECONNECT”
psql –h proxy_server –U pgbouncer pgbouncer –c “WAIT_CLOSE”

Step 3: Work on the initial node before you re-enable it.

Step 4: Re-enable the initial node again.

echo “enable server bk_db/bdr_initial_node” |  socat /var/run/haproxy/sock –


The above steps are by no means complete. There are several complications you will run into when dealing with sequences, installations, upgrades between versions while online, and testing the failover process. You can find a complete and comprehensive guide in PostgreSQL 12 High Availability Cookbook. This book goes into great detail not just on PostgreSQL multi-master replication but on several other ways to design highly available servers.  

In any case, PostgreSQL multi-master replication requires a lot of technical understanding and learning. But Hevo can help you out with these challenges. Hevo Data, a No-code Data Pipeline can help you replicate data in real-time without having to write any code. Hevo being a fully managed system provides a highly secure automated solution to help perform replication in just a few clicks using its interactive UI.

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